Daily Discussion

Jan 28, 2025

<!– SC_OFF –><div class=”md”><h2>Welcome to the <a href=”/r/soccer”>r/soccer</a> Daily Discussion!</h2>

<h3>✔️ This is a thread for:</h3>

<li>Discussion points that aren't worthy of their own thread.<br/></li>
<li>Asking small questions about football to the community.</li>
<li>if you're new to the subreddit, remember to get your <strong>team crest</strong> <a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/wiki/set_flair”>here</a> and to <a href=”/r/soccer/wiki/rules#wiki_community_rules”>read our rules and submission guidelines</a>! </li>


<h3>❌ This is <strong>not</strong> a thread for:</h3>

<li>Comments that aren't related to football.<br/></li>
<li>Trolling or baiting other users or fanbases.<br/></li>
<li>Comments about an ongoing game better suited for the Match Thread.<br/></li>
<li>Shitposting, brigading or excessive meta discussion.<br/></li>
<li>Any other kind of toxic or unreasonable behaviour.<br/></li>

<p>The moderation team will <strong>remove</strong> comments that violate those rules and <strong>ban</strong> persistent offenders. </p>

<p>Please report comments you think that break such rules, but more than anything else, <strong>remember the human</strong>. The Internet is full of places to discuss football in bad faith. This community tries to be an exception. </p>


<h3>⚽ Can't find a Match Thread?</h3>

<li>If you are using Old Reddit <a href=”https://old.reddit.com/r/soccer/search?q=flair%3Amatch%2Bthread+AND+NOT+flair%3Apost+AND+NOT+flair%3Apre&amp;restrict_sr=on&amp;sort=new&amp;t=day#res-hide-options”>click this link</a>.<br/></li>
<li>If you are using New Reddit you need to try <a href=”https://new.reddit.com/r/soccer/search/?q=match%20thread&amp;restrict_sr=1&amp;sr_nsfw=&amp;sort=new”>this other one.</a><br/></li>
<li>If you are using the official app <a href=”https://new.reddit.com/r/soccer/search/?q=match%20thread&amp;restrict_sr=1&amp;sr_nsfw=&amp;sort=new”>press here</a> and sort by &quot;new&quot;.<br/></li>
<li>If you are using a third-party app… ¯<em>(ツ)</em>/¯</li>

<p>If there's no Match Thread for the match you're watching you can: </p>

<li><a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/wiki/matchthreads”>Create one</a> yourself.<br/></li>
<li>Ask <a href=”/u/MatchThreadder”>/u/MatchThreadder</a> for one. You just need to send a PM to him with the subject &quot;Match Thread&quot; and the body &quot;Team A vs Team B&quot; (for example, &quot;Inter Milan vs. Udinese&quot;) to get one from this great bot 🤖<br/></li>


<h3>🔗 Other useful quick links:</h3>

<p>⭐ <a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/search?sort=new&amp;restrict_sr=on&amp;q=flair%3A%E2%AD%90%2BStar%2BPost”><strong>Star Posts</strong></a>: the original content by those users that give their best to our community. </p>

<p>📺 <a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/search?sort=new&amp;restrict_sr=on&amp;q=flair%3A%F0%9F%93%BAWhat%2Bto%2BWatch”><strong>What to Watch</strong></a>: quick but extremely-useful guides of next matches. </p>

<p>🌍 <a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/search?sort=new&amp;restrict_sr=on&amp;q=flair%3A%F0%9F%8C%8D%F0%9F%8C%8E%2BWorld%2BFootball%2B”><strong>Non-PL Daily Discussion</strong></a>: for small discussions and questions about everything but the English Premier League. </p>

<p>📜 <a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/search?sort=new&amp;restrict_sr=on&amp;q=flair%3ASerious”><strong>Serious Discussion</strong></a>: for high-quality discussion threads about certain topics. </p>

<p>👩 <a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/search?sort=new&amp;restrict_sr=on&amp;q=flair%3AWomens%2BFootball”><strong>Women's Football</strong></a>: for women's football content. </p>

<p>📧 <a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/wiki/userpinger/documentation”><strong>Ping Groups</strong></a>: Join a ping group, our new system to find the content you want to see! (<a href=”https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/u8qwe8/user_ping_groups_introducing_a_new_system_to_find/”>Explanation here</a>)</p>


<p><em>This thread is posted every 23 hours to give it a different start time each day.</em></p>
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